Better Care Network (BCN) is an international network of organizations committed to supporting children without adequate family care around the world. BCN works by fostering collaboration, research and information sharing on family strengthening and alternative care, and advocating for changes to national, regional, and global policies to improve children's care situations. The BCN website is a vital source of information for people working on issues related to children who lack adequate family care.
The Center for the Study of Resilience distills knowledge on resilience in seven UP Faculties and fourteen academic departments and/or centres. South Africa is a veritable living laboratory to study resilience. Resilience presupposes (i) the presence of substantial challenges, (ii) processes of adapting to these adversities, and (iii) better than expected given highly challenged settings. The substantial challenges are more than evident in an unequal. Innovative adaptations are visible and amidst many instances of responses that are negative, there are examples of positive outcomes despite cumulative and chronic risk. In a Global South space it is thus necessary to have evidence of positive outcomes in relation to inequality, social exclusion, diversity, postcolonial transformation and social justice.
Lumos is an NGO working to end the harm of institutionalisation and help children worldwide be reunited with family. LUMOS works with international donors, governments and communities, helping them redirect funds from orphanages to provide health, education and social services, so children can be raised in loving families. LUMOS trains professionals to deliver better care and support. We transform the conditions that leave children at risk of trafficking and abuse. LUMOS helps families to bring their children home.
The Children’s Resilience Programme and the Youth Resilience Programme was developed in 2010 by Save the Children Denmark and the Psychosocial Centre of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The programmes use a nonclinical psychosocial and protection methodology that focuses on children’s and youth’s positive coping and resilience. The Programmes comprise 8-16 structured workshops by the same 1-2 facilitators conduct the activities once or twice a week, for the same group of children (aged 10-16 years) or youth (aged 14 and older). The programmes can be implemented for children in and out of school, e.g. during or after disasters, in situations of armed conflict, for children affected by HIV, or as part of preventative social work.
Spaces & Places is a multi-site, visual methods study exploring spaces available to youth that establish a sense of community and cultural connection when facing increased risks. The goal is to identify the ways in which communities can build better civic and cultural engagement with youth, supporting positive life outcomes.
Founded in 2007 with support from The Atlantic Philanthropies and the Health Services Executive,and as part of the Institute for Lifecourse and Society with a base in the School of Political Science and Sociology, the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre undertakes research, education and training in the area of Family Support and Youth Development with an emphasis on prevention and early intervention for children and young people experiencing adversity.
Focusing on the personal development of youth, the building of capacity within their communities, and activism oriented toward social justice and equality, the UNESCO chair in Community, Leadership and Youth Development program at the Pennsylvania State University assists communities become stronger, self-reliant, more resilient and sustainable. We aspire to be the leading source of high-impact research, educational programs, policy and partnerships that improve the lives of youth and communities worldwide.
The Youth Transitions project is a longitudinal study that follows youth as they move into adulthood. It explores the strategies they use and their strengths, abilities, plans, relationships and services to help them cope with hard times and to make successful transitions to adulthood. Visit this site to find out more about the research, its findings and emerging service provision tools aimed at better supporting young people.
Since 2004, ASI has been bringing together people who make Atlantic Canada’s communities safer and healthier for infants, children, adolescents and youth. Since 2015, ASI’s goal has been to foster a more sustainable approach to promoting child and youth wellbeing. Building on this goal, ASI has two core objectives. First to catalyze concrete, cross-sectoral responses for mental health promotion, and second, to influence decision making in Atlantic Canada and across the country. ASI engages participants, providing them with an opportunity to share knowledge, develop skills, and work together on programs, policies and services. The forum's design ensures that it brings together a rich collection of knowledge effectively shared through an ever-growing network of practitioners, policymakers, and researchers.